Psalm 8:3-4 3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
Out of all of God's creation, we, mankind, are the only disobedient ones. The moon and the sun are set in their places and perform the duties commanded. Due to how the earth and all the planets move in a harmonious manner, the seasons change. We all live because of how God created the world we live in
But when I personally look at us, I wonder why does God have so much mercy on us all. We are disobedient, destructive, prejudice, and in all, God's Mercy is upon us. People as a whole, as a society have done the majority of the damage to this planet. We have issues and matters that build our opinion on how this should be and based on these opinions we place judgment on people and, or society. Example, the church feels that homosexuality is wrong, but if we study the bible we'll find the passages of scripture are talking about the individual mans pride. We will also find passages that condemn self and focus on what we feel can condemn someone else. Now my study of homosexuality will be a sermon I speak on in my sermon blog but I hope you get the picture. We find judgment to condemn others but are we ignoring or don't pay attention to what condemns me?
God has created such a beautiful planet for us to live on and we need to take full advantage of this blessing. Everyone of us needs to stop in our tracks and begin finding "the reflective image God created us all in". When this happens, watch how society will change, watch how the animals will change, watch how the atmosphere will change, watch how our lives will change. If we all begin to pay attention to the beauty of Gods Creative Master Piece and appreciate The Works of El Shaddai's Hands, the vision of life will become clear. What was created before we existed is the beautiful plan to keep us living the lives we live today.
Lets all take a moment in life to consider the Glory and begin to live in the image of God. Then family, we all can live and care for the planet that we are all blessed with. From there we can all watch The Glory Unfold.
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